I've decided to break out an old/new heart rate monitor so I can get an accurate count on how much I'm burning in class to help me figure out if I'm eating the right amount of calories! I use Sparkpeople.com (free, free, free!!!) to track food and exercise. (Friend me if you want on there, I am WEBSAM)
Anyway, tonight I taught 2 regular Zumba classes and burned 1080 total calories.
In case you don't know this, the number of calories burned is not just flat and static. It depends on many factors, such as age, weight, fitness level, cardiovascular health, body conditioning, effort put in, engaging your muscles, and muscular content of your body. All of these variables will change based on each person, so it's important to find out how many calories YOU are burning if you want to do this math thing and burn more than you eat.
I will tell you that if you have questions, I know a good bit, but CAT is the expert! I'm serious, that woman is a huge blessing to me when I'm trying to learn these things. But, I'm going to try to post my calorie burning for a good week or two so I can establish a pattern with record.
If you are using an HRM to monitor your calories, feel free to post them here or on my facebook page! I love to see where we're going with this awesome fun time called Zumba Fitness!
WHAT a great class tonight you guys! AMAZING. A new record! It was CRAZY!
Zumba Love to you all!
Hi Sandy,
HRMs are the most accurate but in the absence of one you can use http://www.zumbacalories.com plug in your weight, workout duration and intensity level then it calculates calories burned based on average metabolic rates.
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